Textedit Plain Text

There are 8 other file types using
the TXT file extension!


The default is TextEdit.PlainText. If the text format is set to TextEdit.AutoText, the text edit will automatically determine whether the text should be treated as rich text. This determination is made using Qt::mightBeRichText, which can detect the presence of an HTML tag on the first line of text, but cannot distinguish Markdown from plain. TextEdit replaced the text editor of previous Macintosh operating systems, SimpleText. TextEdit uses the Cocoa text system to read and write documents in Rich Text Format (RTF), Rich Text Format Directory, plain text, and HTML formats, and can open (but not save) old SimpleText files.

.txt - Ascii text parameter description data

.txt - RTTTL / Nokring mobile ring-tone format Lin fox wifi driver download.

Important: To create a text file, you’ll need to use a text editor, not a word processor like Microsoft Word. On Windows, you can use Notepad (in Accessories). On OS X, you can use TextEdit (in Applications). On Linux, different platforms come with different text editors: Gnome has GEdit, and KDE has Kate. Start up your text editor. Edit Pad - Online Text Editor & Wordpad for Notes. Editpad is the online text editor developed for editing plain text. It works similar to the online notepad of Microsoft. How to use Text Editor? Open Editpad Wordpad and start creating the notes online. You can also copy-paste to edit text and save it for later use.


BaseColumns; CalendarContract.AttendeesColumns; CalendarContract.CalendarAlertsColumns; CalendarContract.CalendarCacheColumns; CalendarContract.CalendarColumns.

Download free e-pro philips tv card drivers 7130. .txt - Steinberg LM-4 sound bank

.txt - EasyPlot saved data

.txt - T602 document file

.txt - Subtitles

.txt - MilkShape 3D ASCII data

.txt - Atari Jaguar binary image of program text segment

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TXT file extension- Simple text

What is txt file? How to open txt files?

File type specification:

txt file icon:

The txt file extension is traditionally used for simple text files. Many MS-DOS, Unix, Windows applications and text editors used this file extension for common text file. Only character encoding charset may vary from simple ASCII to UTF etc. which depends on author language or operating system native charset.

Text files are also frequently used for various text logs and reports generated by programs.

MIME types:

Updated: June 22, 2021

The default software associated to open txt file:

Company or developer:
Microsoft Corporation

Microsoft Notepad is basic text editor distributed with Microsoft Windows operating system. It is used to view and edit simple text files as well as simple tool to create Web pages and source code editor.

Notepad has been included in all versions of Microsoft Windows since Windows 1.0 in 1985.

Company or developer:
Sublime HQ Pty Ltd

Sublime Text is advanced text editor used to write source codes in various programming languages. It is a great tool for programmers and offers great feature and performance. It is available for Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X and Linux operating systems.

Atom is text editing software for Microsoft Windows, Apple Mac OS X and Linux operating systems that allows users to edit text files and source codes.

Company or developer:
Apple, Inc.

TextEdit is native plain text editor distributed as a part of Mac OS X that can open edit variety types of text files.

Textedit Plain Text Download

Related articles:

Help how to open:

Every text editor or word processor can open .txt files.

How to convert:

A .txt file may simply be opened in any text editor or word processor and saved to another format.

Find conversions from txt file:

Find converter to txt file type:

List of software applications associated to the .txt file extension

Recommended software programs are sorted by OS platform (Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS, Android etc.)
and possible program actions that can be done with the file: like open txt file, edit txt file, convert txt file, view txt file, play txt file etc. (if exist software for corresponding action in File-Extensions.org's database).

Click on the tab below to simply browse between the application actions, to quickly get a list of recommended software, which is able to perform the specified software action, such as opening, editing or converting txt files.

Software that open txt file - Simple text

Plain Text Converter

Programs supporting the exension txt on the main platforms Windows, Mac, Linux or mobile. Click on the link to get more information about listed programs for open txt file action.

Microsoft Windows:

Main software associated with txt file by default:
Microsoft Windows NotePad
Sublime Text
Other suggested software:
NotePad++ text editor
Microsoft WordPad
Programmer's Notepad
Microsoft Word
SC UniPad
Corel WordPerfect
Ability Write
Source Edit

Apple macOS / Mac OS X:

Main software associated with txt file by default:
Other suggested software:
Atom for Mac
Sublime Text for Mac
Mariner Write


Sublime Text for Linux
Atom for Linux
GNU Emacs


Apache OpenOffice Writer (OpenOffice.org Writer)

Textedit Plain Text Encoding

Google Android:

What Is Plain Text

Other operating systems or devices: