Prince Of Persia Mac Download

Prince of Persia is considered one of the classic PC platform games because it represented a real milestone in gaming history when it was launched in 1989. The game consisted of controlling a character that had as a mission to escape against the clock from the prison in which he was being held captive. Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones can be downloaded from our website for free. Also the tool is known as 'Prince of Persia T2T', 'Prince of Persia', 'Prince of Persia SoT Hun by.i2k.' Our built-in antivirus scanned this download and rated it as 100% safe. This tool was originally designed by Ubisoft Entertainment. Prince Of Persia The Two Thrones Free Download PC Game Direct Links Highly Compressed For Android APK POP 3 Free Prince Of Persia 5 Game Download Repack APK. Prince Of Persia The Two Thrones Overview: For the first time ever in Prince Of Persia video game trilogy, Ubisoft Montreal has takeover the productproton and development on the game from. Unlock Prince of Persia, the original game from 1989 (’92 Mac version), along your adventure then access it from main menu whenever you want. Characters: Prince – The hero of The Sands of Time Trilogy, the Prince is a youngster when goes with his father for his first taste of fight.

Doesn't start! (I managed to get it) So, I had the same issue, as soon as you start the app, it shows you a new window and doesn't run. So what I did: open Play Google, search for the game, and once in the game page, where shows Uninstall and Open options, I press home and start the game from the app drawer. It will reach the window issue. Then I switched to the Play Google, and Open again from there. And I was playing, no issue, and finished the game. Good experience, Controls need improvement.

Doesn't work I want a refund for this. It won't even open keeps saying unfortunately popclassic has stopped. Not satisfied at all

Terrible control scheme I couldn't be bothered to play past the first level. Was pretty disappointed to find that the the controls are pretty much the same as when I played this on a really old Nokia (I think) faux physical buttons aren't really good enough for a game like this.

Game crash FIX: If game crashes on start, disable all internet on your phone and restart app, you will have to keep it this way for the entire time you play (sadly) This also avoids all pop ups in the game asking to sign in. Update needed for - #Controls, need improvement, if you can do it for 'shadow and the flame' then you can do it for POP classic too. #we don't need in app purchases, we already bought the game, keep it real, the game is a classic, don't spoil it & disable all 'sign in' pop ups pleeease!!

Wasted money Do NOT purchase this. Once I managed to download it, after download verification, a menu briefly appears, and then a white screen with an orange title bar on it appears. Nothing happens, it just hangs. Tried on Xperia E.

horrible developer I always loved the first prince of persia game and i was glad that it was really happy when i saw that it was available for Android, unfortunately I was very disappointed on their decisions. Every time you complete a level you get this popup to sign in their service. There is no 'never remind me' button or anything of that sort, you just get spammed until you give in and log into their service or you keep trying to hit the impossibly small 'Skip' link.

I WANT A REFUND First of all, doesn't download properly. Package fails. On the hundredth attempt, when it finally installs successfully, after wasting my internet usage, it says file verification failed. Not to mention the app icon and its name looks ugly. This is coming from a person who was the biggest fan of Prince of Persia till The Two Thrones.

Cannot even started I download and finish install them, it cannot even run. What trick is this selling a broken apps? It stoppen after loading the logo.

Papaya sucks WARNING DON'T DOWNLOAD, APP DOESNT WORK. ABSOLUTE RUBBISH. Can't even play the game, cant get to it. That papaya rubbish just keeps popping up. Complete waste of a download.

Very2 Bad Started playing POP classic When to play, always ask enter Papaya or login FB. But still cannot playing POP CLASSIC. Suck game

Papaya??....Why? What's that all about?!! Plus on level 6 the seriously tough fat guy that you used to have to fight before leaping off the edge into the abyss that leads to level 7, seems to have been replaced with a big foot type gorilla on Steroids with armour, why?.. the fat guy was much better. I like some of the new abilities though, nice graphics, controls could be better, with a little practice there ok. But get shut of papaya seriously..not good

Will Not Load Worked OK on my nexus 7 but will not start at all on my new nexus 9. Crashes on startup every time. I should get a refund for this.

WANT A REFUND Can't even open the game without stupid popcap game blocking it. Want a refund. Don't buy this game, unless you like paying for nothing. That's all you'll get.

Fun Once I'd completed it there was that moment of joy mixed with loss; it was achieved but finished. Then I started the time challenge! Good fun.

DOESN'T SEEMS TO B $1.99.GAME Couldn't find any weapon in the game.don't know if you have to qualify to another level bf weapons will be available.then ask to pay for extra lives after u died. Controls on Sony xperia2 are not perfectly smooth.


Keep crashing I have a Samsung note 4, and the company control the game by require register, keep crashing the game, I can't register and it keep crashing the game please fix it.

Useless Requires sign up to an unknown service - Papaya. This is quite unnecessary in my view, and there seems to be no way to avoid it. Also, the original DOS version fitted on a single 720kilobyte floppy disk. Why is this equivalent version about 300 times less efficient...? OK - I know the graphics are better, but over 220MB...?!?!?

Death of a Nostalgic dream I bought this game to bring back all the nostalgia of the original PC game that I had spent my adolescence playing. Turns out - it is a poor remake with better graphics. Whats one gonna do with graphic update if the game is laggy, un-intuitive, unresponsive controls? Unfortunately, they dont allow less than 1 star in the ranking. For the adventurous people out there, This is isnt worth playing if it was free, so dont go round spending even small change on this title.

Not what I expected I am surprised that 900+ people gave this title 5 stars. This game is not that good. Discounting the fact it differs greatly from the original, the game prompts you to buy extra lives after you have died a number of times already. That alone should give it a 1 star immediately without further review. That aside, the game is still not a good adaptation of the original. It is 2d prerendered graphics and the layout of the game has changed immensely.

Requires to shut down all internet connenctions before it works. If connected, this halts my device so that I need to remove the battery. The game would be nice-to-play casually, but not worth of the harm it causes to the device.

What a classic Takes me back to my younger days,?? madshit..!! i car'nt believe, i am that old, anyway.!! bloody good game, this is what the sony xperia play was built for..??? (''even if sony has turned there backs on this phone'') P.S..?? why no new update.......???????????

WHAT A MESS!, WHAT AN ERROR!, Don't waste your money I have bought Prince of Persia Classic as I am a fan of the franchise and I love how well Ubisoft made Sands of Time trilogy. But this PoP Classic in the Google Store is a mess, it's a mistake, it's an error. I've paid my hard earned money for this s### and as it's impossible to create a Papaya profile I cannot play it, how do you call a game that cannot be played? let me tell you, it's a ROBBERY!, what is that s### of Papaya Profile? I've visited Papaya website and looks like malware, spyware, adware. I started to believe Papaya it's a virus in PoP Classic. Please, fix it and remove Papaya, but in the meanwhile I WANT MY MONEY BACK!!! I give it -5 Stars (yeah, five negative stars)

Prince of Persia Wont work just goes to pop screen going to get a refund total waste of money their tech people ask to do a lot of resetting to the game but it still didn't work NO OFFER OF A REFUND

Not working This classic game give me joy when i found it, but soon become a dissapointment. It doesn't work properly, always shows a blank white page with loading sign after opening title. What a waste of money and I want my money back unless it can be fix soon.

Fix it! Your stupid POPClassic pop up at the very beginning breaks the game!!! Patch this! I loved the game before until your stupid pop-up broke it!!

Unplayable on Toshiba a100 For the brief time that I got it to load it was fun an looked decent but mostly it just fails on loading. I was excited to play the next one too but I guess I won't until I get another device sorry ubi.

I presume you'll already know how good this is The original game with upgraded graphics. Amused to see the new graphics cause the game to weigh in at over 200MB. I'm pretty sure it came on one floppy disk last time I played it! If you struggle with the controls, then do note that the in game pause menu has a choice of control schemes. Oddly, the market now says this is incompatible with my phone when it works fine. Hope they fix it before any updates. They didn't fix it! I had to download the game on Bluestacks Android emulator and copy it over.

not worthy, not worth it Mechner version such a blast was its fantastically bloodied and varied fatality animations. Why turn it into a stupid all ages affair? Oh yes, money. Surprisingly, the original seemed also to have more fluid animation, despite being over 20 years old. The controls are awkward, and the character just feels so.. robotic. Third, and perhaps worst of all, is the fact that this game continues to try to squeeze money out of you, EVEN AFTER YOU HAVE PURCHASED THE GAME. Want some lives? Give us a dollar.

Prince Of Persia Mac Download Full

Sweet The combat is a little clunky but the gameplay is pretty good.

Bug ridden and not playable today, I'm a DOS vet Let me say that I used to play this in DOS. It was always a hard game and I am excited to play a prettier version. I even pirated the DOS version when I was a kid. I was all to happy to pay for a legitimate copy. However, this doesn't remember where I left off and consistently freezes before I even beat the first level. Plenty of 3D Games run without crashing on my tablet like Shadowgun and Shine Runner. Moreover you always need to be able to see where you're walking in this game, but I can't, because the authors fail to put this game in full screen on Android 4.0.

Doesn't feel like Prince of Persia Firstly, the controls are annoying. You cannot perform a standing jump across a chasm if there is a ledge above you. Why? Because as soon as you hit the jump button, the prince spins 180 degrees and turns to grab the ledge above him. The only way around this is to back flip across the chasm; something I'm pretty sure you never had to do in the original. Sword fights are deeply uninspiring and the graphics and animations just seem to have that cheap, Android sheen to them. The game is ok but the bugs need sorting out. The Snes version with its fitting music and precise controls is a much better game. I recommend playing the Snes version and comparing it with the free version of this before parting with any money.

Fantastic and faithful conversion of original game. Much improved gfx/sound, but that preview video has far better gfx/animation than what are actually in the game - why is this? Very misleading. It's also very annoying not being able to turn off in-game hints so view gets blocked during sword fights - after the first couple of levels, being told how to block an attack every time you meet a guard, or even just how to pick up a potion bottle, is just not necessary. Overall xlnt game, would love to see PoP2 released too, please.

Disappointed This was one of my favorite games as a kid and thus when I saw this game on play store I bought it instantaneously. But there are so many frustrating things about this game!! The main disappointment that I'm facing now is that I've killed jaffar and his troll about three times but the game always kills me immediately which is really annoying! :/

Very addictive game, old classic Excellent rendition of old classic. Beautiful grafics and music. Lots of fun. Some battles are almost imposible on samsung galaxy tab, but practice makes perfect.

Great game tarnished by nags Competent port of the original classic. While some character animation could be improved, updated textures give the game a fresh look while the controls maintain the feel of the original. However, pointless 'papaya' nags and insulting post-purchase 'resume' in-app up-sells are not only unwanted and unnecessary, but they tarnish an otherwise great game.

Do NOT buy! This game crashes every single time and never fully loads. I have never seen anything past title screen and this game is a waste of money. I installed it because I remember playing the original over 20yrs ago. This app has molested my innerchild.

Does not work Paid for it, downloaded it, installed it. Try to play and it does its verification and you briefly see the main menu, then it just crashes. Haven't seen what the game even looks like. Don't waste your money!!!

Awesome with some small quirks This game is awesome. The graphics are cool, because they are 3d but almost 2d at the same time. There are some small quirks such as, the popup asking you to sign in after every level and there are some minor glitches, but they mostly work in your favor. I do wish that the app name was better but that doesn't affect gameplay so it isn't that big of a deal. It's a great re-release or re-work of the original game. I personally think it better than the original version of the game. The combat system isn't TOO bad, it isn't the greatest but is kind of cool. The controls are actually quite good, I don't get why people are hating on it, because I have played games with true crap controls. Overall I don't get why people are saying that it's bad because it definitely isn't. I would recommend that you buy this app if you are a fan of the Prince Of Persia series or like Action games at all. It is definitely worth the $2.99 or how ever much it is when you are reading this.

Prince Of Persia Mac Download Free

Prince of Persia classic After playing a couple of levels it now crashes all the time when opening the app..prompting to sign into some odd account. I have a Samsung S3 so not a phone issue I suspect.

My first disappointment with Ubisoft!!! This is a complaint about forcing a long-time Ubisoft customer to create an account and sign-in to a third-party service provider, i.e. Papaya, to continue plaing the game, particularly given that: - I have no interest in using Papaya to share or view stats and other game info online. I just want to play the game and this should not be pre-requisite - I have paid for this game and there was no information about the requirement of having a third-party (Papaya) account to be able to play - And finally, I have already been able to play the game for a while before it started blocking my access requiring that I signin to a Papaya account!!! This is very bad user experience, not to say a king of entrapment, and most importantly Ubisoft is setting a very negative precedence with it...

You are the Prince of Persia on a daring rescue mission to save your Princess. Fulfill your destiny, play this game, and experience the thrills and adventures of this classic tale FeaturesOld tale, New skinReplay the adventure of the original Prince of Persia in a complete new skin as you battle your way through the […]

How to use Prince of Persia Classic for PC and MAC

Prince Of Persia 5 Download

You can run all Android games and applications on your PC or MAC computer. Using a free software called Bluestacks, you don't need to purchase anything but games or applications it self if it isn't free.

  • Download Bluestacks from this link.
  • Install BlueStacks from installation file with following the on-screen instructions.
  • Once Bluestacks is installed add your Google account in it.
  • Type Prince of Persia Classic in Search bar and install it.

Prince Of Persia Mac Download

Now you can use Prince of Persia Classic on your PC or MAC.
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Prince Of Persia Mac Download Games

App Size224 MB
Instalations100,000 - 500,000
DeveloperUbisoft Entertainment

Prince Of Persia Mac Download Gratis

We don't provide APK download for Prince of Persia Classic but, you can download from Google Play