Download Iterm For Mac

What is iTerm2?

Download Iterm For Mac

iTerm2 is a replacement for Terminal and the successor to iTerm. It works on Macs with macOS 10.14 or newer. iTerm2 brings the terminal into the modern age with features you never knew you always wanted.

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MacOS Catalina comes with pre-installed and configured Zsh as the default terminal, so you don’t need to perform this step if you have macOS Catalina. To install Zsh, open iTerm2 and run. $ brew install zsh. To update Zsh as default shell open /etc/shells file and add a new line with /usr/local/bin/zsh, save, and close. ITerm2 is a free and open source terminal emulator that offers users a robust search tool coupled with auto-complete commands, multiple panes in independent sessions, multiple profile support, several customization options, etc.Powerful replacement for macOS Terminal, supporting 24-bit color, standard graphics protocols and iTerm2 image sequences and color schemes.

Why Do I Want It?

Check out the impressive features and screenshots. If you spend a lot of time in a terminal, then you'll appreciate all the little things that add up to a lot. It is free software and you can find the source code on Github.

How Do I Use It?

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Try the FAQ or the documentation. Got problems or ideas? Report them in the bug tracker, take it to the forum, or send me email (gnachman at gmail dot com).

Download Iterm For Mac

Iterm2 Update

iTerm2 is licensed under GPL v2.